‘We spent a lot of time looking for a nursery, though from the first visit we knew first steps was right for us. Everyone was so welcoming and Charlie felt right at home. You have helped her grow over the past few years and given her confidence to do things on her own. She has made some great friends and had lots of fun and is very excited to be joining your school’
‘Thank you for all the love and care you have shown to Meredith. She has grown into a fantastic little girl and you have all played a massive part in her journey.’
‘Thank you for looking after me and helping me to settle in when I started you have all done a brill job of taking care of me. I will miss you even though I am only next door.’
‘Thank you so much for all of the hard work, time and effort you all put into making William’s experiences so happy! He loved your room and has developed lots! Thanks again.’
‘Thank you for keeping Archie happy and safe. Your staff are amazing and a credit to you and your business. By giving me and my husband piece of mind allows us to run our business.’
‘Thank you so much for all looking after Emily over the past 3 years. She’s loved coming to nursery everyday. She will be sad to say goodbye but will only be next door at school.’
Children’s feedback – we asked our children the following question
What do you like about coming to nursery?
Reading a book
Playing with my friends
Bikes outside
Playing in the sandpit
The curly slide outside
Singing songs
Playing outside on the slides and baking
Cutting paper
Bouncy castle
The library room
What could make nursery even better?
Nothing its fantastic
Visits from superman
Watch fireman Sam